FLOSS Weekly

We're not talking dentistry here; FLOSS is all about Free Libre Open Source Software." "FLOSS Weekly is a podcast hosted by Leo Laporte and Chris di Bona, where they interview well-known people from the Free Software scene.

Today, I sat in St. Stephen's Green[1], listening to the latest episode of FLOSS Weekly with Rasmus Lerdorf of PHP fame as a guest. They talk about the genesis of PHP (back then named PHP/FI), about security flaws and their impact on PHP's reputation, and about Rasmus' favourite PHP applications, which include Serendipity, the software used for this blog.

Another interesting episode I liked was (of course) FLOSS Weekly episode #9 with Perl guru Randall Schwartz. He talks about the early days of Perl, Web Application Frameworks like Catalyst, his famous conference parties and about big websites made with Perl, including IMDB, Amazon and Ticketmaster. Another hot topic is the upcoming Perl version 6.

Leo and Chris are great hosts with a solid background in Open Source Software and their interviews are as interesting as entertaining. Get FLOSS Weekly into your podcatcher!

fn1. ...forgetting the time and getting late for my date with Carolin. I'm sorry, darling!