My first netcast: Radio Perl

Since I started listening to netcasts[1], they've been giving me a lot of fun as well as things to learn and think about. As always, it didn't take long until I wanted to give netcasting a try myself. Recording music and other audio content was one of the bigger reasons I bought the Mac, after all.

So, after a week of fiddling with GarageBand, I now proudly present to you:

Radio Perl, episode 1

It's a netcast in german language and directed towards Perl developers. I plan to pick one central topic that I'd like to talk about in every episode. Alternatively, I could invite someone else to do the talking here. So, if you'd like to be interviewed, contact me! Other fixed segments will be "Perl news" and "Interesting new Perl modules".

I'd like to make Radio Perl a weekly netcast, but only time will tell if I really can go at that pace.

At the same time, this is the premiere of IT-Dojo, my new website for IT know-how and training.

Please tell me what you think about Radio Perl! You'll find the netcast's email address as well as a telephone number for audio comments on the page linked above.

fn1. Since "podcast" seems to suggest that you need an iPod to listen to it and since Apple is starting to make suspicious legal moves regarding the word, I prefer to call them "netcasts".