Live again!

Today is a happy day! My 1&1 3DSL got connected, my router has arrived and I'm online with 16 MBit/s downstream and 1 MBit/s upstream. The weekend is saved!

It was a huge test of my patience, but the timing is perfect since I have to migrate my web server in the next few days. My hosting provider Alturo closes shop and I have to move all my websites and email services to a new server before the end of the month. I was prepared to go back to Philippsburg tomorrow night to use my brother's DSL connection, but now I can do the work from home when it fits best.

Additionally, I have to answer a lot of emails that I had to queue because I didn't find the time to respond at work. And of course there's the second episode of Radio Perl that waits to be recorded.

The weekend will not be boring, I guess.