Twitter's got me

I finally gave in.

After discovering Twitter, I immediately came to the conclusion that this was the ultimate weapon of mass productivity destruction. Now, there's not only the phone, e-mail and IM that's disturbing focus and concentration, we also get a kind of micro-blog that informs us in realtime about the thoughts and situations of people all around the world. "What a waste of attention", I thought.

But after seeing how other people cave in because there actually are ways of using Twitter quite creatively and productively, I decided to give it a try, too. There's nothing like too much Web 2.0, is there? ;-)

So, if you're curious what I think but not deem worth the effort to blog about it, see the litte paragraph on the right of my blog's main page or directly subscribe to my Twitter profile

In the meanwhile, I will think of some creative ways of Twittering.