Vitalist upgrades its features

After using Vitalist for some weeks now, I think I really found my task planning solution. It's the complete concept of David Allen's Getting Things Done book (by the way, there's finally also a german translation) implemented as an easy to use Web 2.0 application.

Over the weekend, the folks at Vitalist Solutions have released new features they had announced on their blog over the recent weeks:

  • Contexts as Tags: the contexts a task can be handled in are displayed more prominently.
  • Sub-Projects: you can now build a project tree by splitting a big project into several small ones.
  • Quick Add/Edit: entering new tasks is now even easier.
  • Priorities: you can give every task one of four priorities, symbolized by a coloured star.

Michael Ramm has a detailed review of Vitalist over at the Black Belt Productivity blog. Like Michael, I see no need to get the paid version with features like encryption, attachments and collaboration. The free version has everything I need to get the calming feeling that everything gets taken care of in time.

So, if you're looking for a GTD solution that you can access from everywhere you have net connectivity, give Vitalist a test drive. (Robert, it's time to offer an affiliate program!)