Mountaineer Leadership

In his German article "Was ich als Führungskraft durch Bergsteigen gelernt habe", Rainer from the HaFAWo blog ("have fun at work and life"), describes how the lessons he learned as an alpinist can also be applied to his work as a manager:

  1. Know your goals and their nature, for your job as well as your private life. (= Define your goals.)
  2. Have a map and learn to read it right. (= Have a vision.)
  3. Have a compass. (= Have reliable orientation points.)
  4. Make sure to start at the right time to avoid time-dependend dangers. (= Have good timing.)
  5. Expect the worst and be ready to handle it.
  6. Be prepared regarding your shape, food, clothing and equipment. (= Have everything ready you may need.)
  7. Know your skills and with how much of the impossible you can cope. (= Know your limits.)
  8. If there are problems ahead, you maybe have to resort to teamwork. (= Have a supporting team.)
  9. When problems arise, you depend on your equipment. (= Have reliable tools and know how to use them.)
  10. You should know when to turn your back on the mountain and postpone summit victory. (Admit defeat in time, try again later.)

Thanks for the great analogy, Rainer!