I am a Geek

geek, n.: A person who is interested in technology, especially computing and
new media. Geeks are adept with computers, and use the term hacker in a
positive way, though not all are hackers themselves. A person who has chosen
concentration rather than conformity; one who passionately pursues skill and
imagination, not mainstream social acceptance. (Wikipedia)


Dear fellow geeks, join the Society for Geek Advancement!


Now, criminals even steal the police’s work!


Now, criminals even steal the police’s work!


This video makes you feel stupid.

Mountaineer Leadership

In his German article "Was ich als Führungskraft durch Bergsteigen gelernt habe", Rainer from the HaFAWo blog ("have fun at work and life"), describes how the lessons he learned as an alpinist can also be applied to his work as a manager:

  1. Know your goals and their nature, for your job as well as your private life. (= Define your goals.)
  2. Have a map and learn to read it right. (= Have a vision.)
  3. Have a compass. (= Have reliable orientation points.)
  4. Make sure to start at the right time to avoid time-dependend dangers. (= Have good timing.)
  5. Expect the worst and be ready to handle it.
  6. Be prepared regarding your shape, food, clothing and equipment. (= Have everything ready you may need.)
  7. Know your skills and with how much of the impossible you can cope. (= Know your limits.)
  8. If there are problems ahead, you maybe have to resort to teamwork. (= Have a supporting team.)
  9. When problems arise, you depend on your equipment. (= Have reliable tools and know how to use them.)
  10. You should know when to turn your back on the mountain and postpone summit victory. (Admit defeat in time, try again later.)

Thanks for the great analogy, Rainer!


This video makes you feel stupid.



I call it cube of productivity. And I want one.



I call it cube of productivity. And I want one.

Leadership tips

In "Ten Top Tips for the Innovative Leader", Paul Sloane gives valuable recommendations to everyone who wants to be more of a leader than just being some levels above in the org chart.

He recommends:

  1. Have a vision for change
  2. Fight the fear of change
  3. Think like a venture capitalist
  4. Have a dynamic suggestion scheme
  5. Break the rules
  6. Give everyone two jobs
  7. Collaborate
  8. Welcome failure
  9. Build prototypes
  10. Be passionate

Many of his tips remind me of the concepts explained in "First, Break All the Rules", a great leadership book I read recently (and have to review here ASAP). And looking at the fifth point, this doesn't seem like a coincidence.

Especially the first two points resonate with me at the moment because I'm going to undertake a big change effort myself with my department.

Thanks to Paul for his great summary of important leadership qualities and practices!


Die ganze pseudo-bürgerrechtsengagierte Hysterie von Pseudo-Computerexperten, man müsse um jeden Preis ein “unzensiertes Internet” verteidigen etc. - vgl. www.ccc.de -, fällt für mich in die Kategorie: juristisch ohne Sinn und Verstand und moralisch verkommen.

Dr. Hans-Peter Uhl, CSU, auf AbgeordnetenWatch.

Die ganze pseudo-betroffene Hysterie von Pseudo-Politikexperten, man müsse um jeden Preis die “vordergründige Sauberkeit des Internet” verteidigen etc. — vgl. www.bundesregierung.de —, fällt für mich in die Kategorie: technologisch ohne Sinn und Verstand und moralisch verkommen.


Die ganze pseudo-bürgerrechtsengagierte Hysterie von Pseudo-Computerexperten, man müsse um jeden Preis ein “unzensiertes Internet” verteidigen etc. - vgl. www.ccc.de -, fällt für mich in die Kategorie: juristisch ohne Sinn und Verstand und moralisch verkommen.

Dr. Hans-Peter Uhl, CSU, auf AbgeordnetenWatch.

Die ganze pseudo-betroffene Hysterie von Pseudo-Politikexperten, man müsse um jeden Preis die “vordergründige Sauberkeit des Internet” verteidigen etc. — vgl. www.bundesregierung.de —, fällt für mich in die Kategorie: technologisch ohne Sinn und Verstand und moralisch verkommen.



How Mac rumours become news — and maybe facts. :-)

Panikmache in den Medien: "Alle starren auf den Tod"


Krisenforscher Mathias Kepplinger über die Jagd nach Superlativen und Geltung.

Wählt dich jemand, den du öffentlich verhöhnst?

Im Artikel “Wie man eine Generation verliert” erklärt “Die Zeit”, wie Politiker die Verdrossenheit junger Wähler weiter steigern, indem sie ihre Anliegen einfach nicht ernst nehmen:

Im Internet gibt es viele Proteste gegen die geplanten Kinderpornosperren. Politiker haben für die Kritik nur Verachtung übrig. So verprellen sie ihre künftigen Wähler.


Inspiring project for globally produced music: http://playingforchange.com - From the award-winning documentary, “Playing For Change: Peace Through Music”, comes the first of many “songs around the world” being released independently


Inspiring project for globally produced music: http://playingforchange.com - From the award-winning documentary, “Playing For Change: Peace Through Music”, comes the first of many “songs around the world” being released independently


“Much show, few facts” — a critical look at #zensursula.

Germany’s family minister Ursula von der Leyen thinks that secret website blocking lists maintained by federal police are a serious measure against child pornography. This news programme takes a critical look at her agenda and policy. 

(via Johannes Kleske)


Eine lustig-anschauliche Erklärung, wie (wenig) die von der Familienministerin vorangetriebenen Sperren funktionieren. Lego hilft beim Lernen. :-)


“Much show, few facts” — a critical look at #zensursula.

Germany’s family minister Ursula von der Leyen thinks that secret website blocking lists maintained by federal police are a serious measure against child pornography. This news programme takes a critical look at her agenda and policy. 

(via Johannes Kleske)



Into the woods!

New read: Leading Change

After listening to the audiobook version of John P. Kotter's "The Heart of Change", I decided to also read his book "Leading Change". Kotter is an expert on change management, i.e. the management and leadership skills to lead an organization and make the necessary changes to adapt it to new situations and implement new strategies.

I've read chapter 1, "Transforming organizations: Why firms fail", and I'm hooked. Kotter explains what errors are common causes of failing change efforts:

  1. Allowing too much complacency
  2. Failing to create a sufficiently powerful guiding coalition
  3. Underestimating the power of vision
  4. Undercommunicating the vision by a factor of 10 (or 100 or even 1,000)
  5. Permitting obstacles to block the new vision
  6. Failing to create short-term wins
  7. Declaring victory too soon
  8. Neglecting to anchor changes firmly in the corporate culture

Looking at some of the organizational changes I was in some way part of, I can see instances where most or even all eight of those errors were made -- with the appropriate results. I want the changes I'm about to undertake to be a better success, so I'm curious what Kotter has in store in the following chapters.



Into the woods!

Sleep in, be more productive

Finally, there is proof that it’s better not to wake me too early. A scientific study shows that people who get up later in the day are able to stay productive longer: 

If you allow them to live on their preferred schedule, then they can outperform the morning types.

Please don’t call before 1pm tomorrow. :-)

A look into a Google datacenter

Following up to the recent entry about Google's custom server chassis, in this video we get a glimpse into one of Google's datacenters where those servers are in operation.


Again, Google does it their own way by using separate containers with the necessary infrastructure built in instead of having different rooms for all the racks. The data center building itself delivers power and cooling. I guess it's because of the more modular structure that allows replacement of a complete server "room" why Google chose that approach.

Sleep in, be more productive

Finally, there is proof that it’s better not to wake me too early. A scientific study shows that people who get up later in the day are able to stay productive longer: 

If you allow them to live on their preferred schedule, then they can outperform the morning types.

Please don’t call before 1pm tomorrow. :-)